When do i lodge my tax return 2017

If you received more than one employment termination payment during the year, you will need to complete an Employment termination payment schedule. If you received more than one super lump sum during the year, you will need to complete a Superannuation lump sum schedule. Not everything can be covered in Individual tax return instructions. Sometimes, you will be referred to other publications that will help you to understand your tax obligations and complete your tax return.

Some publications are essential to complete some items. All the publications and rulings referred to in Individual tax return instructions are listed in Referred publications You can phone the ATO if you need assistance with a question in Individual tax return instructions or Individual tax return instructions supplement , or another matter concerning your tax affairs. If you decide to phone us, please have the instructions handy.

A private ruling relates only to your particular situation. Your tax return should reflect what the private ruling says. You may need to change your tax return if you lodge it before you receive your private ruling. The ATO publishes all private rulings on its internet site. What we publish will not contain anything which could identify you. You can ask for a review of your private ruling if you disagree with it even if you have not yet received your assessment.

You can find out more about objection procedures from the ATO branch that made your ruling. You can apply for an oral ruling by phone.

To do so you will need to confirm your identity. Your tax file number and most recent notice of assessment will usually be sufficient proof of identity. We will confirm your eligibility for an oral ruling by asking you a series of questions to confirm that your enquiry is eligible to be ruled on. If HMRC agrees, this will means that you no longer have to file a return and any penalties issued for missing the tax return filing deadline will be set aside.

There is a two year time-limit from the end of the tax year in which to ask HMRC to withdraw a tax return. Your Tax Return must normally be filed completed and submitted to HM Revenue and Customs by 31 October following the tax year end 5 April if you file on paper, or by 31 January following the tax year end if you file on-line. So the Tax Return for the tax year is due by 31 st October , if filed by paper, or by 31 st January , if filed on-line. You will be sent your Tax Return — or a notice to file on-line — about May after the end of the tax year.

If you register for self assessment late within three months of the filing deadline or later , the deadline is extended to three months from the date of issue of the return. There are penalties for late payment of tax, late filing of tax returns and late notification of liability to pay tax. Penalties for late filing.

If you have a new source of income on which there is a tax liability, you should notify HMRC by 5 October following the end of the tax year in which the income arose. Maggie inherits a house and first rents it out in June This is in the tax year to 5 April The size of these penalties depends on taxpayer behaviour. If there are exceptional circumstances which explain why you missed the tax return filing deadline, you can appeal against the penalty.

You can download the usual appeal form SA from the Gov. If you pay your tax late you will be charged interest. If your tax is due on 31 January and is not paid on time, interest will run from 1 February.

You will also be charged interest on late payments on account which are due on 31 January and 31 July. For more information on interest and payments on account, see our self assessment — paying tax page. Tip from TaxAid If your tax return will be late, but you have a good idea what the tax will be, make that payment by the due date.

If your estimate is right and all tax has been paid on time, this will reduce the late payment penalties but will not avoid late filing penalties. If you have a good reason for missing the deadline, such as an emergency trip to hospital or a bereavement, then you should tell HMRC. People who have a genuine excuse may win their appeal without the need for a hearing, as HM Revenue and Customs may agree with you if you show a determination to go to the Tax Tribunal. If extraordinary circumstances prevent you meeting deadlines, keep any evidence you can and make sure HMRC know as soon as possible.


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