Comment by Sianis Tip: if your inventory is full when asking the sage for a fortune, you won't receive it and won't be able to ask for it again. I assume that's a typo and you can use those turn ins endlessly? Comment by zz0dzz The Sayge only allows you to get a new buff every 4 hours of logged time , so you have to be mindful of that if you're raidlogging. Might be a useful detail to add in there.
Comment by padmanek For each of these decks, the cards are random drops off levels Undead and Humanoids. Comment by EdyG I was turning in small furry paws on my human, the rep cutoff says , I am at and can't turn in anymore.
What gives? Comment by SilverSaw Do you know, exactly at what hour they close Darkmoon Fire on Sunday and you are unable to deliver quests anymore? And why would Ally follow the road while Horde skip them. Comment by Ticomainiac Are the tickets transferable? Comment by basedtobe The Buffs and Fortunes section is poorly formatted. You should more clearly show which selections give which buffs.
This is a jumbled mess. Comment by GeodesicDragon Nice guide, but I've noticed a small error. In the section about the card decks, you mention Darkmoon Elementals Deck twice instead of Darkmoon Warlords Deck To create a deck, collect all eight cards and click on them to combine. Thaddeus is located at Comment by Robin64 Seems dates aren't correct. May is listed as setting up on the 7th and opening on the 10th, but it's setting up right now on the 2nd and will open tomorrow on the 3rd.
Tents have been spotted this week. The schedule for May says we should not see them till the 7th. Comment by Admiral2k what about the schedule change for TBC ? I'm talking about a new city. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.
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Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Finlay Coolshot runs the game and offers [ Daily] Tonk Commander. This achievement awards the [ Darkmoon Tonk Controller ] toy. Located near the entrance, guests receive a mallet to whack some stuffed gnolls that pop out of nine barrels in the area. Players will have 60 seconds to earn 30 points.
The gnolls come in three types: normal, Hogger, and baby, awarding 1 point, 3 points, or a knockdown , respectively. Mola runs the game and gives the quest [ Daily] It's Hammer Time. In patch 6. It requires scoring 45 points in a single session of Whack-a-Gnoll and rewards [ Hogs' Studded Collar ].
New in Warlords of Draenor , near the fireworks vendor, guests are given ten seconds of flight and tasked to fly through 15 floating rings of fire, which are spread out all over Darkmoon Island and not just the Faire area. Each fire ring flown through refreshes the second flight timer. Fly through 10, 20, or 50 rings in a single Darkmoon Game Token-costing session to earn achievements: [ Flying High ] , [ Ringmaster ] , and [ Brood of Alysrazor ] , respectively.
Completing the Brood of Alysrazor achievement awards the toy [ Blazing Wings ]. Ziggie Sparks runs the game and gives the quest [ Daily] Firebird's Challenge. Added in Patch 6. Wait, speed boosts? There are a number of power-ups, which can be triggered by running over objects on the race course, including:. The Real Race is timed, and there are achievements awarded for completing the race in a set amount of time:. Each month, a new wrinkle is added. Old options are still available, and achievements are possible using each combination.
The Darkmoon Faire offers a quest corresponding to each primary and secondary profession. These can only be completed once per monthly faire, and only by players who have the corresponding profession.
Some quests can be completed at the faire, and some require ingredients imported from outside the faire, but Archaeology is the only one that asks for anything that cannot be purchased at a goods vendor near the Faire Staging Areas. Completing each quest awards one [ Darkmoon Game Token ] , a few Darkmoon Prize Tickets , and 5 skill points in the associated profession! All the profession quests require the player's skill level to be at least 75 in order to see the following quests.
An important function of the Darkmoon Faire is to allow the return of decks of Darkmoon Cards. These are collectible sets of cards which may be created through inscription or for level 60 and level 70 cards found as loot. When all the cards in a set are collected, they form a deck.
Higher-level decks may be returned to The Darkmoon Faire for an epic trinket. Lower-level decks reward the returner with more modest items. Returning any kind of deck also awards reputation with the Darkmoon Faire. Refer to Darkmoon Cards for a complete list of the rewards, and the sources of the cards. Located between the Southern Pavilion and the Ring Toss, Sayge , a wise gnoll , will give guests a fortune after answering a couple of questions.
With this fortune guests are given a buff, which will depend on the answers given. This buff lasts two hours.
Kerri Hicks challenges adventurers to go forth and challenge worthy opponents and bring back trophies of your victories to show just how strong you can be. She offers the quest [] Test Your Strength , which requires the [ Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide ] to be in the bags. Kerri gives 10 prize tickets for bringing back trophies.
It is anticipated that players will carry the adventurer's guide with them even when the faire is not accessible to keep accumulating artifacts and trophies to turn in when the faire returns. Near the end of the faire, is the zoo, which is run by Yebb Neblegear. The zoo contains many animals and even a petting area with penguins, bush chickens, rams, and even ponies.
The rams and ponies can also be ridden. Oddly, Yebb calls his zoo a "Bizarre" rather than a Bazaar. Located at the Deathmatch Pavilion , contestants compete every three hours starting at midnight for a chance at the Darkmoon Treasure Chest. Enter through the gate at any time to enter the contest, or for some free for all action, even when no prize is available.
Korgol Crushskull will announce when the chest is soon to appear. There is a rare chance of getting a new companion from the bag, the [ Darkmoon Eye ].
The associated quest is [ Daily] Darkmoon Pet Battle! Rarely in the bag is the magical pet [ Syd the Squid ]. Stepping onto or riding the carousel will grant the [ WHEE! Players will be teleported out of the area if they have no ticket, in the same way they are removed from the sideshow areas without having started or at the end of the respective game.
Tickets are consumed when a fresh buff is granted without having one yet or after it has expired , whereas returning before the buff falls off allows refreshing of the duration without paying a new ticket.
You are still required to have a ticket with you in order to enter the area, so each character that plans to employ the buff during the event needs 2 tickets, one to get in the first time, and one to refresh the duration. The tickets are not soulbound and can, therefore, be sent to alts accordingly.
A player may also save 98 by buying the tickets at a low level and sending them to 5 high-level characters - remember, mailing costs money too. A children's sandbox is located at the northeastern side of the fairgrounds.
It contains several rideable Sandbox Tigers, which function identically to Darkmoon "Tiger"s. Around the sandbox are four tonk controllers, available for free-for-all matches. Players equipped with a [ Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide ] have the opportunity to obtain artifacts that are occasionally dropped by instance bosses and enemy players. These artifacts can be accumulated even when the Faire is not active, and start quests to turn themselves in to Professor Thaddeus Paleo for the most part - Sayge and Yebb Neblegear each also accept one item.
Each of the nine can only be redeemed once per Faire, but all nine items may be turned in each month, and reward Darkmoon Prize Tickets for everyone. Completing all nine quests awards the [ Darkmoon Despoiler ] achievement, including 2 sub-achievements for the dungeon-specific and PvP-specific drops separately.
Added in patch 8. Completing a ride awards you with the [ WHEE! That rabbit's dynamite! There are two world bosses on Darkmoon Island, Moonfang , a wolf that frequently spawns in the western forest, west of the main faire area, and the Darkmoon Rabbit , which rarely spawns in a cave on the southeastern shore of the island.
Both will require a raid to defeat. Since the Faire is the only time they have access to it, players should make sure to explore the non-Faire portions of Darkmoon Island while they have a chance. The island's waters offer an impossible variety of fish appropriate to each fishing level and the chance to hook a [ Sea Pony ] , as well as Shipwreck Debris for those searching for a more unusual catch. The tickets earned by completing quests can be redeemed for a variety of vanity items and heirlooms from vendors near the center of the Faire.
Lhara sells companion pets and mounts, while Gelvas Grimegate offers souvenirs and toys, including two transmogrification items, a slot bag, Darkmoon Top Hats , and another companion pet. Daenrand Dawncrest makes all Justice Heirlooms available, and Barum and Baruma will exchange tickets for numerous replica items.