Microsoft Ignite is for IT pros, decision makers, implementors, architects, developers, and data professionals to explore the latest tools, receive deep technical training, and get questions answered by Microsoft experts. Microsoft Build is where developers, architects, start-ups, and students learn, connect, and code together, sharing knowledge and expanding their skillset, while exploring new ways of innovating for tomorrow. Continue your learning journey with Microsoft Virtual Training Days that provide free, instructor-led, technical skilling in multiple languages and time zones across a variety of topics.
Here are just a few of the events we offer in our catalog. Browse the categories below to discover the experiences best suited for you. Azure Purview is now generally available! Learn how to maximize the value of your business data with Azure Purview at the Azure data governance digital event. Discover how to support and enhance your current investments with the newest Windows Server innovations and updates—presented by technical product experts.
Learn to strengthen your IT infrastructure and keep your business-critical workloads running in this deep dive on core IaaS components—compute, storage, and networking. Join Microsoft president Brad Smith and learn how Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability can help you record, report, and reduce your environmental impact. Join the experts of the technology who have accumulated knowledge from dozens of customers across Europe to let you know how impactful this change for your organization will be, and how in practice you can make a next step towards that.
Learn 6 key ways to drive success in FY Grow your software revenue by selling these 5 affordable, essential tools for the modern workplace. Grabbing the hybrid cloud opportunity with Lenovo and Azure Services.
Grab the MSP security opportunity. Create your business scorecard. Most popular tech stories. Catastrophic governance failures are rooted in organisational culture. The swag is on point and I should get to the expo floor early to grab some. How does everyone interact? More techies that business users?
Equal mix? More suits than sneakers? How are they run? How do the speakers interact with the attendees? Overall vibe. Alert Moderator. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. The focus is not on the main features, is more on small things that can make a difference when you want to decide where we want to store and manage our users. This information might be useful in the future when we need to decide where we want to keep and manage our users. Read more. NET provider with invariant name 'System.
SqlClient' could not be loaded. By Radu Vunvulea July 05, Today blog post will be started with the following error when running DB tests on the CI machine: threw exception: System. SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework. SqlServer' registered in the application config file for the ADO.