The image-conscious playboy was a perfect symbol of the 80s, and Crystal performed a recurring sketch called " Fernando's Hideaway " where Fernando's catchphrase was born. His parody was so popular, Crystal released a music video of his character singing this catchphrase in a club populated by the biggest stars of the day: Tina Turner, Prince, Grace Jones… or at least people who looked just like them.
But which celebs are the real deal? Everyone looks so mahvelous, it's hard to tell. If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of First, a black man from the West Indies. Can you guess the other? Wilson Down in [the] Holler A book which I have. But it is not the case in the Ozarks. Of a woman who died in childbirth it was said that "she suffered somethin' wonderful.
Nancy Clemens, Springfield, Missouri, quoted a farmer who had been hurt in a motor accident: "No bones broke," said he, "but I sure was scratched up marvellous. Noel Coward actually was an effete playwrite with a flair for British Upper Class comedy. He is roll on the floor funny, provided that you understand the in jokes of British Society between the Wars. Obama is still a lower class thug who wants to remake us all to be like him and wills to impoverish and kill us to get that done.
It's a 50s sitcom word, as Romney uses it. Like "That's just fine" that Armstrong and Getty use as an out-of-touch Romney sound clip echo. I'd say it's mocking his Mormon good old American clean way of life. Gay would be about window treatments or something; and even that would be appreciative and amused rather than phobic.
Political opposition to gay interest groups isn't homophobic. Dirty Harry? That was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard he mentioned the word. I'd say, incidentally, that "I was scratched up marvellous" uses marvellous as a predicate adjective. President Uhhh Jimmy Carter at least pretended to be humble with some sincerity.
I heard it as just more typical, juvenile, petty rhetoric from this classless jackass as he further debases the office he holds.
You are over thinking this. If you start from the premise that the guy is simply a king sized asshole everything he does fits that template. I suspect the Obama campaign will toy with mockery that has a homophobic edge.
Not a good move on Obama's part. Especially since the story in many parts of the 'internet world' is that Obama is gay and that Michelle is his beard and that Reggie Love is more than just a 'body man'. The guys at Hillbuzz who ARE gay claim to have evidence. If Obama tries this move it will only add fuel to the fire.
I think the Professor needs a walk in the fresh air this morning. Obama and company no doubt thought this was perfect. They could cast a gay slur and have complete deniability based on the rich old fashioned explanation.
Having said that, I think you need to give them credit for coming up with a little cute humor and not leaving any fingerprints. Romney does use unusual words sometimes, and he will continue to make those minor missteps.
It is fair game for Obama to try to score points on them. Ricardo Montalban: You look marvelous darling Here's some other words we're not normally hearing in a discussion about the budget: Passed. I'd rather have a president who talks like a homo than a president who acts like one. Maybe Barack is pointing out how white Mitt is. Maybe Romney should have said the budget is "tight". Apparently, the character was based on Fernando Lamas, and, according to Wikipedia: "n archetypal playboy,[3] after his death, Lamas's image lived on in popular culture via the "Fernando" character developed by Billy Crystal on Saturday Night Live in the mids.
The character was outlandish and exaggerated but reportedly inspired by a remark Crystal heard Lamas utter on The Tonight Show; "It is better to look good than to feel good. I think you're a disgrace to this city! Okay, nobody move! Black Guys: Don't worry, pig, we'll see she don't get lonesome.
Harry Callahan: Well, that's mighty white of you. Black Guys: [start to move closer to Kate Moore with mischief looks] Kate Moore: Now gentlemen, before anybody does anything uncalled for, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out to you that I am a police officer, and if you touch me with intent to do bodily harm If you're through socializing, we do have work to do.
I thought I was doing all right. Harry Callahan: [aside to the camera, after getting in] Marvelous. And I'm willing to bet the way Barry says it, it probably has a bit of a swish in it, anyway. But great point. That was the wrong quote. I wanted this: "In one of his most memorable moments on The Tonight Show, Lamas intimated that "sometimes other men said that he was gay, and nothing pleased him more than proving them wrong with their own wives.
I can't remember the skits well enough to figure that out at the moment. Hey, Johanna just put down homo behavior. Isn't that the dreaded hate speech? A major no no on a site by and for beeyootiful peeps. Congress certainly did not use the word "marvellous" about Mr. Obama's last two budgets. Now if the President could prevail on his Senate majority leader to present a budget proposal suitable for "reconciliation" talks, that would indeed be "marvellous! The Enforcer the movie Father John: I'd like to see the credentials, right now.
Harry Callahan: If you insist. Father John: Well, Callahan Kate Moore: [bursts into the church, gun drawn] Okay, nobody move! Harry Callahan: Marvelous. Another scene, another marvelous. Kate Moore: [to herself] Son of a bitch. I remember when Mitt was running for governor in MA, he was mocked for using the word "unbecoming", which he used in describing some of his opponent's behavior. My speculation is that this incident is more of the same. The tone I hear is one of the "cool kids" making fun of the square who uses big words.
I'm not a fan. But different people express their bugbears in different ways. Also, I don't see any homophobia here. Making fun of someone for coming off in a precious manner and for the record, I don't think Romney is coming off as such and I don't think implying so will be a successful line of attack for Obama doesn't constitute homophobia.
It's more than a little amusing for Bathhouse Barry to suggest that Romney might be a little light in the loafers. My interpretation is that Obama was trying to make Romney look like a nerd, i. I didn't pick up the gay reference at all. Criminy, you see something sexist in ANY non-sexist remark.
This isn't verging on paranoia, it's full-blown. Ann, you're right. Fernando was definitely a ladies' man, but if memory serves he did preen around in a somewhat effeminate manner. Could be read either as a closeted gay man or as the lithe movements of a latin dancer.
Oh my stars and garters aren't we all just over-analyzing a little regional speech quirk. So a legitimate word that isn't used all that often is used in correct context by a political candidate and we all have vapors.
At least, Obama would like us to have vapors. I can tell you as a Westerner who's lived all over the Western states from Oregon and California to Idaho, Utah and now Wyoming it's perfectly normal use and I've heard it many times. Romney probably got it from his parents and grandparents regional use of it. I hope we get a little more mature about the things we find to carp about the candidates, but I'll bet we don't.
We're close to the nadir here, but those with nothing of substance to say will find an even lower point. Aw, just because Prez Dickweed laughs as someone does not mean anything. Considering all of Obama's stupid gaffs he has uttered over the last three years he is the one person that should not mock anyone.
Do I have to remind everyone of the '57 states', and the 'Transcontinental Railroad', or his mentioning Hawaii is in Asia, or his Special Olympics joke, or his 'bitter clinger' remarks, or his "Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed. Well you get the picture. Mark my words, once Obama is unelected his name will be banned from speech as it will be considered a derogatory word for blacks.
Clearly, Dirty Harry is using "marvelous" sarcastically because the SFPD is being so " stylish " uses the word twice in the clip , trendy and politically correct.
Billy Crystal uses the term to connote stylish and trendy in his Fernando Lamas parody. Notice all the dated pop culture references. Just looking into your eyes, dahling I can tell that you have the legs of a dancer So bring those legs, and the rest of your body, over here And be 'Nando's private prancer! Dahling, I've got to tell you something And I don't say this to everybody You look mahvelous. Absolutely mahvelous!
You know, my father used to say to me, " 'Nando, don't be a schnook. It's not how you feel, it's how. But you, dahling, hmmmm, you look mahvelous! And this is from my tongue which is deep inside my body It's better to look good than to feel good. Who's mahvelous? Try me! Cyndi Lauper? Tina Turner? Still mahvelous!
At the climax of the film, Mitch risks his life to save Norman. He even takes the cute calf back to New York. Mitch Crystal , now the manager of a growing New York City radio station, is living contentedly with his wife Patrica Rettig and Norman — the now-grown-up calf. But a sequel is brewing: Mitch just turned Skip to content Popular. April 25, Joe Ford.