Fewer men hit on me, but of those who do, most know what Lanvin is. Does it bother me that men tend to reject all short hair as "less attractive"? A little, but I have to say, I revel in the challenge of diminished male attention. Will I always look back and be able to laugh, as I do now, at the moment when a man I was in love with told me he found me less attractive because of my haircut?
To be honest, I really don't know. And I'd rather not think about it. Shop Elle. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Shelf Life: Louise Erdrich. Women Voted. Courtesy of Sartorialist. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. This dialogue didn't occur in a vacuum. I encountered several men during this time who made similar comments. You would be much prettier with long hair. Men will actually like you with long hair. I worked for a school in Hong Kong that was devoted to helping girls who had abusive or emotionally troubling backgrounds.
They, too, were vocal about my look. You were so cute before! Everyone is bound in some ways by female beauty standards and the patriarchy. The pressure to be a conventionally beautiful woman weighs on my shoulders every day. Will people still be nice to me if I don't dress like a lady? If I go out with my friends without looking feminine, will a man come up to me and tell me all the ways he wished I would change myself for their viewing pleasure?
Most of the time, I choose to save my breathe and conform to the standard. I cannot continue this story without acknowledging the privilege behind my experience being victimized by the patriarchy.
Black women have been refused employment they are perfectly qualified for unless they cut their natural hair. Afros and box braids have been unfairly deemed "unprofessional" by several companies. Trans women have experienced fatal hate crimes because they do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
My experience as a white woman getting a new haircut and being told I'm not pretty anymore is incomparable to the painful and often violent experiences of women in marginalized groups. Although, it was interesting to see how different I was treated with a pixie cut, and even more so when I grew it out. I realized that men were always trying to control my appearance even years before I had made a decision that repulsed many of them.
Rigid beauty standards ultimately affect everyone negatively, including men, whether we choose to prescribe to them or not. They are controlling, painful, time-consuming and expensive. It does not matter if someone conforms to these standards or not. In one way or another, the way we sculpt our appearance is often either in support or rebellion of the standards that so firmly exist in our society.
The best solution is to free ourselves from them altogether. On one of my last days in Hong Kong, a student came up to me while I was at work and said, "You have short hair because you want to be a boy, right? I prepared myself to tell them what I'd been saying to all the students who asked me this: "No, I identify as a woman. I just wanted to try out a new look. Really depends on the shape of her head.
Saying that, I tend to like pixie cuts on blondes, but longer hair past shoulders on most other hair colors as a very general rule. Boris Xper 6. I love pixie cuts, but it depends on who. For example: Emme Watson looked ugly with it, I agree on you about Jenniger Lawrence, she looked cute with it. SkyrimAddict Yoda. I do not really like girls with pixie cuts. That is not to say a girl can't be attractive with one, but usually those girls have to have nice faces and still dress some what girly.
Longer hair just looks better on girls to me. Some girls can pull it off but it is rare. I am straight so that is a turn of for me.
To be atrocious I don't like them. I dunno, I cut my hair super short in January, and I've gotten tons of compliments on it. And I've gotten more attention from guys with my pixie cut than I ever did with long hair. Regardless, I personally think I rock it :P.
Some can really pull it off. But I personally love my long hair. I guess it depends. Short hair looks good on women that have decent figures and bad on women who are over weight. MarkD Xper 3. Longer hair is more feminine and elegant. And I personally find find longer hair prettier.
Sorry but when I consider what women expect of men today and how entitled and judgmental they are I have a hard time feeling sympathy for a girl who is upset about the fact that guys find longer hair more feminine. Time to woman up I think they're amazing. Who cares what guys think? I don't care but J. Law really isn't the best example of a Pixie Cut. Pink does it best.
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