Expansive marshes and groups of villages are the site of this Rush map built for flanking and strategic movement. The close quarters of urban Rotterdam heighten the desperation to search for and destroy cramped comm stations objectives.
Snowy expanses deceive attacking soldiers from threats hidden along the serpentine roads and villages. Sign up today to receive the latest Battlefield news, updates, behind-the-scenes content, exclusive offers, and more including other EA news, products, events, and promotions by email. If both MCOM stations are destroyed, the attacking team's tickets will be replenished, and two more MCOM stations will appear further ahead in the linear map.
The attacking team's base will also move up and the teams must try again to attack or defend. New vehicles and environments are usually around each set of MCOM stations. The game will end when the attacking team destroys all MCOM stations or when the defending team depletes all the attacking team's tickets. Tickets are reduced each time a player respawns. If a charge is placed on an MCOM station while the attacking team's tickets are depleted, the game will not end until the charge detonates.
If it was the final MCOM station, the attackers will win; and if it was the second MCOM station in an area, the attacker's tickets will be replenished for the next area. After making adjustments following feedback, Rush returned during Chapter 4 Week 4 July 18—24, Operation Underground , Mercury and Rotterdam became playable on the mode during Battlefest Week 2 October , The gamemode functions in the same manner as in Battlefield 1.
Both teams fight to attack or defend telegraph stations or artillery guns depending on sector. Rounds are played in pairs, with teams switching sides before the second round. Squad Rush is a downsized version of the Rush gametype. It takes place on smaller map variants, with two bases each with a single M-COM station. The gametype also does not feature any vehicles, allowing for a maximum of eight players. It is available on all maps available on the Rush gamemode.
Those who pre-ordered the Limited edition of the game got 30 days of exclusive access to the gamemode. It is available on all maps that feature the Rush gametype. Battlefield Wiki Explore. Battlefield Battlefield V. Battlefield 4.
Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 1. Do you like this video? Play Sound. The defenders can use their telegraphs to call in powerful artillery strikes on enemies that have been spotted. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. This article is a stub. It is short and in need of fortification.