Much of the area encompasses productive agricultural land, while tourism makes a significant contribution to the economy particularly in the west. The coast, which is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty forms the eastern boundary. The delivery area includes:. Its history and geography give the town a unique sense of place and it is a popular tourist destination. Alnwick Castle and Alnwick Garden are popular tourist attractions.
Seahouses is a key hub for visitors to the North Northumberland coast and the Farne Islands. The village acts as a gateway to the Park for visitors and has important relationships with Alnwick and Morpeth. It is also a gateway for visitors to the northern part of the National Park.
It has a working mart and is also the location for an important cluster of agricultural engineering and construction companies. Access to affordable housing, particularly within the rented sector, is an issue across the area. High house prices are a particularly acute problem in the Northumberland Coast AONB and its coastal villages, where there are especially high levels of second home and holiday accommodation.
Development pressure in the AONB poses a threat to the conservation of its natural beauty but the sustainability of local communities by providing housing and employment opportunities is also considered to be integral to its protection and enhancement.
Delivery elsewhere in the former Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough has exceeded past policy, particularly in the coastal zone. Delivery in Alnwick reflects the current planning policy but Rothbury has experienced higher levels of delivery. The Delivery Area includes:. Roles of main towns and service centres. It grew as an industrial town when the Newcastle to Carlisle railway opened in the s.
Haltwhistle has good links with Hexham, Carlisle and Cumbria, and is served by the high school at Haydon Bridge. It grew as an agricultural market town during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. For a time the village had industries associated with surrounding coal and iron working and it was linked by railway to the rest of the North East, as well as Scotland. It looks to Hexham for many higher level services.
An increasing number of residents commute to Tyneside. Its main role is as a local centre for housing and services, supporting the agricultural sector and tourism.
The village is within commuting distance of Tyneside. While it is within the commuting influence of Tyneside, its main role is as a local housing and service centre for its immediate surroundings. The main high school in the south-west of the County is located in Haydon Bridge.
However, the reaction to historic development pressure in the extreme south east of the area is reflected in Green Belt designation. The housing delivery strategy of adopted planning policy sought to stabilise the population in this area.
This has largely been achieved with the exception of Haltwhistle which has seen an unintended decrease. The route also provides links to Carlisle and, from there, north-south, as well as west to the port of Cairnryan.
The route also connects the area with the Tyneside conurbation and its links north-south. Within the Delivery Area, the North Tyne Valley and, to the south, the Allen Valleys and the upstream part of the South Tyne are more poorly connected by road or public transport.
These include the need to:. Ensure an adequate supply of minerals is maintained to support the county's economic ambitions, and that opportunities to minimise waste, and utilise renewable energy resources are embraced, but that these needs are balanced against landscape, heritage and local amenity considerations.
What do these do? Sharing Tools. I accept the cookies [X]. Help Print Search. Forgotten Username? Who Said What? Click on a section to view content Help. What is the Development Plan? What is the Northumberland Local Plan?
What is the area covered by the Northumberland Local Plan? What exactly will the Northumberland Local Plan replace? What is the relationship with neighbourhood plans?
What has been done so far to prepare this Local Plan? What is the purpose and scope of this document? How has the document been prepared? Duty to Cooperate. How to get involved. Next Steps - Timetable. Spatial Portrait. Natural, historic and built environment. Economy and employment. Education and skills. Population of Northumberland. Transport and infrastructure. Minerals, waste and energy. Delivery Areas. Key issues. Spatial Vision, Objectives and Outcomes. Strategic objectives.
Strategic objectives and outcomes. Delivering the Vision for Northumberland. Development strategy. Spatial strategy. Sustainable development. Climate change mitigation and adaptation. Health and wellbeing. Green infrastructure. Green Belt in Northumberland. General Alert: Atkinson House Consultation. Search for:. Data and statistics on migration can be found on the Communities of Interest page Health and Wellbeing topic live births, still births, deaths and causes of death Know Northumberland bulletin Population and Health.
Age Structure. Population Estimates. Further information is available on the ONS website. Population change - Births, Deaths and Migration. Births and deaths natural change In the crude birth rate in Northumberland was 8. Northumberland Deaths by age and gender Further statistics on live births, still births, deaths and causes of death : Health and Wellbeing Topic.
Migration Migration statistics refer to the number of people who change their place of usual residence. Northumberland Marriage The age group where males are most likely to be married is , while the female age group most likely to be married is Northumberland Marital Status by Race Loading Northumberland Marital Status. Number of Veterans. Male Veterans. Female Veterans. Northumberland Veterans by War. Northumberland Veterans by Age. Percentage Counts. Northumberland Veterans by Race.
Northumberland Veterans by Education Loading Veteran Poverty Rate. Veteran Disability Rate. Northumberland Veterans by Education. Labor Force Participation. Employment Rate. Unemployment Rate. Northumberland Employment by Age. Northumberland Employment by Race. Northumberland Employment by Education. Origin of Non-Citizens Loading Ageing population : the percentage of older residents is increasing each year and the percentage figure for this age group is higher than both the North East and England.
Country of Birth : Ethnic group : Ethnicity is measured by the way the population identify with certain ethnic groups. Religion :