Should i import my me1 character

Also, some dialog that is present for an imported character is not present for a new character mostly minor things, but some text wouldn't make sense if you didn't play the first game. Finally, at the start of Mass Effect 2 you are able to change your class and physical appearance don't worry, it makes sense in the context of the story. You can't change your sex or name, however. You absolutely want to continue a previous player. Bioware actually penalizes you by assuming that you made really stupid choices in the previous game, if you let them generate a character for you.

And even if you import a character, you can change just about everything about them class, appearance, etc, etc , so that's not a handicap, and re-importing them resets your morality, so that's fine as well. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. Active 8 years, 10 months ago.

Viewed 16k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I might just do a quick playthrough on easy for my level 60 character then, although I've played through so many times already. User Info: Cloud75x. I ported mine over as a lvl 40 vanguard and I got a butt load of extra cash and some good starter equipment i think or maybe I got a lvl boost, i dont remember.

User Info: Lykus IIRC, there's no reason I can think of not to import your character outside of wanting to be the opposite sex. If you do import your character you get bonus starting experience, money, and resources. More topics from this board Where is Emily Wong and Dr.

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General 7 Answers. Ask A Question. However, Mass Effect 3 will not accept a Mass Effect 2 save game where Shepard was killed at the conclusion of the suicide mission ; Mass Effect 2 is considered the end of the main series for that Shepard. Mass Effect 3 reportedly imports over a thousand variables from a Mass Effect 2 save game.

When importing a Mass Effect 2 character into Mass Effect 3, the character will be brought forward exactly as it was left off. A level 30 character in Mass Effect 2 that is imported into Mass Effect 3 will retain its level and abilities, and can immediately start working toward the new level cap of New players will be given an approximation of what they would have had at the conclusion of Mass Effect 2. Refrain from spending any points.

Save the game, and then use that savefile when importing to ME3. Since no points were spent in ME2, they will all be available to spend in ME3. If the player bought pet fish in Mass Effect 2, and if the player convinced Kelly Chambers to feed them, the fish may be recovered after relocating Kelly Chambers in Mass Effect 3.

Most of the fish may also be re-purchased. For Model ships , the player will be able to find them hidden in storage crates throughout the Normandy and initial missions. If the space hamster was purchased, the player will find it scurrying on the bottom level of Engineering.

One will need to position Shepard along the hamster's path in order to grab it and place it back in its cage in the Captain's quarters. Other gameplay upgrades such as research upgrades will not transfer. The surplus of any mineral resources in Mass Effect 2 will be converted to war assets , depending on the amount. The following major choices from Mass Effect are imported into Mass Effect 3, and have a visible effect on the game.

The following major choices from Mass Effect 2 are imported into Mass Effect 3, and have a visible effect on the game. Doing so will import the character with their class, level, powers, and reputation as they were at the end of the previous playthrough. The player will have the opportunity to change their appearance and select a new bonus power, but class cannot be changed. All points assigned to the bonus power during the previous playthrough, except one, will be refunded, with the bonus power starting at level 1.

The player will retain all weapons, armor sets and pieces , weapon mods , and credits accumulated during the previous playthrough, and the maximum level for weapon upgrades is increased from V 5 to X War Assets and Intel Terminal upgrades will not be imported and must be reacquired.

Also, if there were living fish in the tank by the time the previous game was completed, importing a completed Mass Effect 3 character who has obtained the Prejek Paddlefish from Kelly Chambers which requires an import from Mass Effect 2 in which the player owned a Prejek Paddlefish and got Kelly Chambers to feed their fish into a new Mass Effect 3 game will cause the player to start the new game with the "Prejek Paddlefish" Intel for Glyph to upgrade.

Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Your current level carries over, and Skill Points can be reassigned Weapon can be upgraded to pass Level V. Weapons found in game can now be upgraded two more levels by finding the weapon again.

Weapons not found in the game such as the starting pistol can be upgraded to X Any Squad Member special power can be selected when importing. Shepard's face can be changed. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. As Commander Shepard, an Alliance Marine, your only hope for saving mankind is to rally the civilizations of the galaxy and launch one final mission to take back the Earth in this third entry in the epic intergalactic RPG franchise. Release Date. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.

The film is based on the novel by Kevin Jakubowski.


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