What is smart water

Although transferable forms of SmartWater do exist, SmartTrace TM is not designed to be removed, and is therefore non-transferable. No, use of the SmartWater brand and trademark is very carefully controlled. Instead you should contact your installer to order additional deterrent signage and labels. Only a small dab of the liquid is required to mark the item and this should be applied to off-view surfaces in any case. No, as SmartWater scientists only require a trace the size of speck of dust in order to recover the unique forensic code, the liquid is near impossible to remove.

Any effort to ensure complete removal would likely result in singificant damage to the item, rendering it useless and removing the opportunity for the criminal to sell it on. SmartWater is a proprietary forensic asset marking System and Strategy protected by worldwide trademarks and patents. Protect Your Commercial Fleet. SmartWater for Neighbourhood Watch Groups.

Sports Clubs. Protect Your Equipment. Our Latest Innovation. Powerful deterrent High-performance range - metre range Market leader in forensic liquid technology. Protect Batteries Protect Cable. Buy Accessories. We offer advice on a wide range of water filters. We listen to what your needs are and we meet those needs with our products. Contact us today to discover how we can help you. The loss of retail sales will hit sales further.

Water Filters Blog. Back UK's bottled water market According to Statista 2. Smart Water What is Smart Water? Manufacturing Smart Water To get Smart Water, the spring water goes through an industrial process called distillation which uses a lot of electricity.

So, the manufacturers of Smart Water effectively remove the good stuff and then put it back in. Health benefits of Smart Water It is not proven that distilled water is healthier than filtering your own tap water. Save money and save the planet. It is simple to apply, cannot be easily seen by the naked eye and is almost impossible to remove.

Smart Water glows under ultraviolet light — allowing Police to take a sample to identify the true owner of the property and whether it has been stolen. We're a world top university renowned for the excellence, impact and distinctiveness of our research-led learning and teaching.

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