What is the difference between crysis warhead and crysis wars

Store Page. Crysis Warhead Store Page. Asken View Profile View Posts. I have been looking at both these games, but I've decided to only buy one of them.

So, which one is the best in your guys eyes? Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. Originally posted by Trevor :. Driverben View Profile View Posts. I haven't tried the 3rd one yet, but I had a ton of fun in the original. The first one, regardless, is worth picking up. Soj View Profile View Posts. Trevor's answer is mostly spot on. I liked the original Crysis much better as far as the SP component went. Better level design, better story and more varied gameplay.

I never tried the MP. CrystalBay Platinum Member. Apr 2, 2, 1 0. Warhead has better Multiplayer and is still supported by Crytek Originally posted by: BassBomb Originally posted by: Aberforth You should play Crysis first to understand the story but Warhead isn't a sequel- it's a standalone expansion that takes place on the other side of the island with you playing a character called 'Psycho', it also has a separate multiplayer component called Crysis Wars which is quite good.

BladeVenom Lifer. Jun 2, 13, 16 0. For multiplayer get Warhead, for single player get Crysis. Oct 22, 2, 3 Dec 15, 4, 0 0 www.

Originally posted by: Aberforth Originally posted by: zerogear I dunno, Warhead, it seems to be overly explosive, you would shoot shots into a car, and it'd explode. Fenixgoon Lifer. Jun 30, 28, 4, Originally posted by: angry hampster Originally posted by: Aberforth Originally posted by: zerogear I dunno, Warhead, it seems to be overly explosive, you would shoot shots into a car, and it'd explode. Regs Lifer. Aug 9, 16, 21 I liked Warhead much more than crysis. Warhead at least you weren't a camera with two legs like Crysis and to me it makes a big difference in the overall experience.

In Crysis, your character always seemed secondary to the environment. Not always a bad thing, but unlike Far Cry, the environment seemed more controlling than the actual Character.

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