What is the difference between quotes and apostrophe

Single quotes are limited to one real function in written U. English, which is to indicate a quotation within a quotation. Apostrophes, on the other hand, are used to denote possessive form and to indicate omission. But — and this is the crucial point for this discussion — the apostrophe does not change. There is never, ever any circumstance under which the apostrophe should have the 6-shaped form of the opening single quotation mark.

Unfortunately, the indiscriminate terror known as smart quotes does not recognize this basic truth of punctuation. Most apostrophes appear in the middle of a word, so the auto-correction safely renders them as closing single quotation mark.

So smart quotes gets it wrong. Punctuation rules for when quotation marks are in use also differ between American and British styles. In both British and American punctuation styles, question marks and exclamation marks that apply to the whole sentence are put outside of quotation marks: E.

Whether single or double quotes, commas and periods generally go outside of the quoted materia in British punctuation: E. In American punctuation style, the comma will go inside the quotation marks: E.

Some think that either style is fine as long as you consistently stick to one throughout your document, and if using curly or smart quotes, make sure that they face the correct direction. Others maintain that smart quotes should be used for speech and as apostrophes, while straight quotes are only used to denote feet and inches.

Read more on Wikipedia: Non-English usage of quotation marks. In computer programming , quotes are often used as delimiters around strings. There is only one difference in the use of double vs. When single quotes are used, no such substitution is performed. This difference has led some programmers to believe that using single quotes offers faster performance.

However, there isn't any meaningful performance benefit of using single quotes in PHP. Share this comparison:. If you do, be sure to come back and read this article again! Achieve the band score you deserve! Share This. The main difference between the two is: Quotation marks are used to report speech.

An apostrophe is used for making contractions and possession. Apostrophes You see the apostrophe being used in many places. Quotation marks The quotation mark is used when you report speech, that is to say when you are quoting someone. English English grammar English tips interesting. He spends his spare time with friends or learning languages such as: Japanese, German, and Latin.

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