Enrollment Characteristics school year. Enrollment by Grade:. Two or More Races. Enrollment by Gender:. Free lunch eligible 1 : 1, Reduced-price lunch eligible 1 : Please see this blog post for more information regarding free or reduced-price lunch and direct certification eligibility counts in CCD. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in the school year will not be available until the full file is released. The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for Attendance Matters!
Every Day Counts! Please review the Weekly Bulletin for information, acknowledgments, and upcoming events. Student-Led Conference continues this week. All students 1. Parents, please click the School Experience Survey , complete, and submit today. Also, Student Vaccination Requirement and first dose no later than November COVID vaccination are available at various locations. Signed Parent Consent required. Thao at the counseling office.
All staff and students are required to wear a mask and follow Safe Steps to Safe Schools. Register for the Parent Portal to monitor student attendance, grades, and update emergency information and visit the school website gardenashs. This is good test participation. This is a good sign that students feel confident enough to take tests for all AP courses available to them, which reflects well on the teachers and course material.
Gardena High can continue to improve by reducing the number of students who take AP exams for some or none of their courses, but it's in a good state. Note: The most recent data we have available is from , so the statistics may have changed since then. Most likely, however, the trends are likely to continue - above average schools are likely to stay above average, and below average schools are likely to stay below average.
Here we have specific data on how many students got a passing grade a 3 or above on all, some, or none of the AP exams that they took. Of all AP test takers, 17 students passed every AP test they took , which is a fantastic job.
Unfortunately, this is poor performance compared to other high schools. This usually means that they're not adequately prepared for the national AP exam at the end of the year. This isn't necessarily the school's fault. AP courses may be too advanced for the typical student at Gardena High, and it's still a good thing that AP courses are offered at all. Furthermore, it's possible that a majority of the AP exams taken by students at Gardena High are on the more difficult side.
However, if you're a student at Gardena High, this is a warning that you'll have to go above and beyond the typical student to pass your AP exams. This may entail self-studying , figuring out who the better AP teachers are and trying to get into their classes, and working hard. To find out the passing rates for specific AP courses at Gardena Senior High School, you'll have to talk to your guidance counselor who can then help you find that information.
If you can, you'll want to take the class with the teacher who has more students get a 3 or above on the AP exam. Find out more about the average score for each AP subject here. These align with the new Common Core standards and are called the "Smarter Balanced" tests. If Gardena High students meet or exceed state standards, they're academically prepared to graduate high school and go to college.
Specifically, we care about the percentage of students who meet or exceed state standards. The larger this number, the higher the preparation of students at Gardena High. The majority of Gardena High students do not pass state standards, and only a small percentage pass.
This specific percentage isn't much cause for concern - because the Common Core is new, the pass rate at Gardena High will likely rise over time. But it still reflects Gardena High's below average standing among California high schools.
The other major test taken for state assessments is Math. The vast majority of Gardena High students don't meet state standards, and only a small percentage pass. Math Test Results AP and IB courses are designed at the difficulty level of college introductory classes. There are several important benefits to taking advanced coursework at Gardena High.
First, taking more advanced classes shows colleges that you're committed to challenging yourself academically , and that you're one of the more advanced students at Gardena High.
In some cases, you'll be able to skip introductory-level classes and move to more advanced classes. In other cases, you'll be able to avoid having to take required courses and might even be able to graduate earlier than the standard 4 years. Often this will require you to pass the AP test, getting a score of 3 or above. You'll likely be able to take the most popular courses like Calculus, English, and US History, but you won't have most other subjects available.
The total number of AP subjects is 38 , so Gardena High is missing most. If you want to take any AP courses not being offered at Gardena High, ask your counselor for ideas on how to cover the gap. If you're a strong student, you might consider transferring schools to access a more advanced curriculum. Of course, keep in mind that even though Gardena High doesn't offer many AP courses, it might teach the ones it does offer quite well. You can see student performance in the AP score analysis section above.
Finally, we'll cover which sports teams are available at Gardena Senior High School. Sports are an integral part of many students' high school experiences. The more sports that are available , and the more levels supported Frosh, JV, Varsity , the more likely you'll be able to participate in a sport at Gardena High. Gardena Senior High School fields 15 teams for girls' sports. You won't get the full range of sports and levels, but you'll be able to try out for a few options.
If you participate in a sport that Gardena High doesn't offer, consider looking for a local non-school team that you can join. And now for the boys: Gardena Senior High School fields 17 teams for boys' sports.
You won't get every sport and level possible here, but you'll have a decent number of options. Want to get more useful information about high school classes and preparing for colleges? Our blog has a ton of articles and advice on topics ranging from coursework and GPA to letters of recommendation , extracurriculars , and much more!
Ready to bulk up your schedule and maximize your college preparedness? Read all about the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs. Not quite in high school yet, but eager to get started? We've also got information for younger students interested in advanced learning opportunities , both in and out of school.
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