Where to buy lockpicks in whiterun

Riverwood trader is another place to find lots of lockpicks. Go to the city of Riverwood then go to the Riverwood Trader house. It is located two houses straight from when you spawn in the city. Once you enter the house, you want to speak to the guy at the bar. He knows from the Iron Claw quest. All you have to do is just trade with him. He will have a large number of lockpicks. Note: You can only go in the day time, otherwise you will have to lockpick the house at night.

User Info: tlemast3. They move from city to city, even have a camp outside most of them. User Info: charon78au. They travel over to Markarth and camp outside the farm that is opposite the mine camp. They'll return to Whiterun in a day or two. Im mature Aussie gamer. Don't pay the ferry man. Don't even fix a price. GT: Charon Should be on the left hand side after you pass the stables while facing the city. From: KudZu If you want to buy a bunch of picks at a time, you have no choice but to join the thieves' guild.

That's kind of lame Why dont you want to join the thieves guild? There are no cons to joining. From: Odenpeth There is a camp right outside of Whiterun by the stables with three Khajit and some tents.

There's a Khajit sitting there and he'll sell you lockpicks. I bought 35 off of him last night. Not sure if its something that's in everyone's game or just one of those random encounter things. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free!

What do you need help on? Cancel X. Lockpicks on the ground are small, shining objects scattered around the map. The locks re-lock after at least ten in-game days spent without entering the Ragged Flagon — Cistern. Lockpick durability is reset, so a lockpick that has been almost broken in one lock, will not be broken more quickly if used again. Set of Keys are a Quest item.


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