Degrassi how does cam die

He asks her why she is dressed like that and laughs when she tells him that she was thinking about doing a beauty pageant, saying it's not her thing.

Upset and almost in tears she yells that she doesn't know what he wants and runs into the music room. Zig finds Maya crying and alone, she explains to him that Cam laughed and he tells her to compete because she should want to not because of what Cam thinks.

After the pageant, Maya calls Cam and breaks up with him, ending their first relationship. In Doll Parts 2 , Maya is talking to Zig about helping her with her song at the pageant when he spots Cam, she mentions that they broke up and he apologized asking why she didn't tell him.

She says she didn't feel like broadcasting it to the world, then he asked if things would be awkward. She says no and he leaves. Cam comes up and says he messed up, then asks for a second chance and if she still likes him. Maya says liking him was never the problem, he asks what's wrong and she says he doesn't like her. He says that's crazy. She says that Zig tells Tori she's pretty all the time and he never says it once.

Cam says he didn't know he had to, she says he doesn't have to. He apologizes and tells her he's not smooth like Zig but he really does think she's pretty. Maya asks why he never wants to kiss her, he sighs and says he would try harder. She says he doesn't have to try and that Katie was waiting for her, then walks away leaving Cam hurt. After kissing Zig, Maya feels guilty and regretful. When she is about to admit her flaw for a portion of the beauty pageant, she freezes and calls herself a bitch then runs off the stage.

She goes to Cam's billet home in tears and tells him he was right, that pageants are stupid and asks if he could forgive her. He does. The next day at lunch, Cam, Maya, Tori and Zig are all sitting together discussing the pageant. Tori won from her speech and Maya says she earned it, they both apologize and Tori mentions that she can't believe Maya lost and that she looks so pretty. Cam says that Maya always looks pretty before kissing her hand as Zig looks on jealous.

The bell rings and Maya stays behind telling Zig she regrets the kiss and that she was confused and caught up in the pageant then leaves with Cam before they share a quick kiss. He seems to be struggling in Chemistry and Alli teaches him a mnemonic for the elements.

Alli tells him she needs to go and Cam is still struggling and asks her to stay longer. This is the first epiosde where we see Cam's arm completely healed, and he no longer has a cast.

They kiss but he is interrupted by Tori, when she tells them that she thinks she is losing Zig. Later, Cam tells Maya that he likes her a lot and is horrible at telling her things. He gives Maya a bracelet; and from now on he will give her one for good luck before every show Maya plays at. He laughs and admits it was his Mom's idea. Maya then breaks the news to him that when they were broken up, she kissed Zig. Cam is speechless and replies with "sucks. Cam shows that he is trying to hide the fact that he is upset with Maya's news, and is pretending to be happy on the outside.

At the Battle of the Bands competition, Maya is worried because Cam hasn't been answering any of her calls. Back stage of battle of the bands, Maya yells at Zig saying how she loves Cam, and doesn't want to be with Zig. When she is on the stage to sing with Whisperhug, she notices Cam in the audience cheering her on and sending good luck.

Cam is proud of Maya for her performance, and wanted to support her just like she did for his hockey games. Cam talks to Maya after the show and they talk about their relationship. He tells Maya he's not gonna let her go that easily and they share a long kiss. He has his arm around Maya and says that he will be leaving Toronto over Spring Break and will be visiting his family in Kapuskasing.

In Bitter Sweet Symphony 1 , Cam arrives back to Degrassi after his trip back home to Kapuskasing to visit his family. Maya immediately runs over to him and jumps into his arms, excited to see Cam. Spirit Week starts and Cam finds out that him and Maya will be on different teams, while Maya will be on the same team as Zig.

Once the games start, jealous and paranoid, Cam elbows Zig in the eye and asks him for a fight. Maya and Dallas both attempt to break up the fight, but all four are sent to the principal's office. Dallas attempts to cover for Cam, by saying that he's used to more competitive play, but Simpson stops him in his tracks, wanting an explanation from Cam himself. When Cam tries to say it was an accident, Zig pushes for Maya's input and she puts the blame on Cam, getting him suspended for the rest of the week.

Dallas is frustrated with Cam and gives him a lecture on how he is being selfish. Dallas pushes him and demands he stops crying in public because it is "embarrassing. He runs into a random classroom where he throws his backpack, and kicks a desk out of anger. Cam didn't notice that his tutor, Alli, was in the room working on a chant for her Spirit Week Team. Cam cries to her about how he messed everything up, and wishes he could go to sleep and never wake up.

Alli doesn't see the signs that he is upset and needs help, but does the best she can and gives him advice to patch things up with his girlfriend.

Later on, Cam shows up at the Matlins' and brings flowers for Maya and she convinces him to stay awhile. They're cuddling on the couch when Katie tells. In the morning Cam leaves and sends Maya a video message saying he is gone due to an early hockey practice, and plans to meet Maya later on in front of the school.

Cam is sitting on the front steps of the school when Zig walks by, and he ends up calling Cam a psycho, saying he and Maya won't last because of it. This deeply upsets Cam, and as a result he calls it off with Maya via text message. The text read, "I'm not coming. It's over. Maya suspected that he meant their relationship was over, but he was actually referring to his life. Cam mysteriously disappears and is not at the steps anymore, where he was supposed to meet Maya.

Due to his mental illness and everything that has happen so far, Cam has an emotional breakdown and commits suicide in the Degrassi's greenhouse that night. Cam after Zig calls him a psycho and tells him to get out of Maya's life forever, leading to the suicide. In Bitter Sweet Symphony 2 , Eli and Clare come upon his body in the school's greenhouse where he lies dead.

They didn't show how Cam died. All students are affected in a different way from Cam's suicide whether it's grief, depression, guilt, denial, sympathy, wondering, comedy, helpfulness, curiosity, relatable, numbness, or any other way to cope with the tragedy. The student council plans a candlelight vigil for him, which Maya is asked to speak at. While she is writing her speech for the vigil, she is reminiscing about Cam as she re-watches the video he sent her after leaving early after their sleepover.

At the candlelight vigil, Maya speaks and calls his actions out in front of the entire school, saying that Cam has so many reasons to stay, but chose not to. Despite Katie trying to explain Cam was mentally sick, Maya declares she would have helped him if he gave her the chance, but didn't.

Maya then says that she refuses to cry or light any candles for him before she runs off. In Ray of Light 1 , Eli watches various footage for the school yearbook and comes across an old video taken of Cam before his death.

The audio is muted as Cam is seen giving Maya a piggy-back ride and laughing together with her. Eli pauses the footage when Cam and Maya turn to face the camera and smile, happy. When several students watch the done yearbook video, Dallas asks why Cam isn't in it. Eli says he didn't include him and Fiona backs up his choice by saying it would send mixed messaging.

However, Dallas declares that Cam was still a student at Degrassi and fully deserves to be in the video. Later, Maya lies by telling Katie that she is feeling perfectly fine after Cam's death, although Katie knows she isn't. Eli breaks down in the principal's office and mentions that he didn't choose to find Cam in the greenhouse.

Zig has a strong desire to capture and eat Marina, likely due to his hunger and desperation. Marina is oblivious to this, though, as she is normally friendly towards him. They both end up hooking up, which means that Zig cheated on Maya. They had broken up as of Hero vs. Villain due to Tristan figuring out that Miles still had feelings for Maya, but after some time on bad terms, they get back together in CheckYourPrivilege.

How did Campbell Die? I have a number of theories of my own another people's theories For people saying cam's death was a bloody one because of eli's nightmare, that is a possibility but I have a second theory. If cam's death was a nonbloody one then the red shirt he was wearing might have reminded eli of blood and that's where the blood in the nightmare came from That nightmare was really stupid btw and they could have done a better one so on to how he died here's some theories I have had or seen on tumblr 1.

This would support the theory that his death was a bloody one 3. He was shown to be fascinated and stared when he accidentally cut himself with his skates before and he could have used the skates which where a symbol of what he hated to die 4. Categories Blog posts. Liberty and J. When Liberty found out, she was furious and told J. They had been good friends for years when J. She turned him down, but the two eventually began to date for around four months; they then broke up due to J.


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