Some nights lyrics what is it about

It was a horrible war in US history that we lost alot of great people for a good cause but left slot of people wondering if it was worth it because families had to fight against their own and slot of lives were lost making them wonder who they were and what they should really stand for. I think it a guy who is a soldier. I think he is away from his mom and dad and girlfriend. He questions what he is doing being a soldier. He wonders if what he is doing is right or not. He isn't sure.

Then it says he "ten years of this.. What else would you do for ten years? Serve in the military. He says "sorry mom i had to go. I think its about war, here's why- "some nights i stay up cashin in my bad luck, some nights i call it a draw" playing poker or gambling with his solider mates. Most nights i don't know anymore" he doesn't know why he went to war and doesn't know if it's right etc. Some nights i always win" he's sacred his partner will leave and next bit um.

He wins poker? She sends him a letter? Not sure. Sold my soul for this? I wash my hands of that for this? Miss my mom and dad for this? Five minutes and i'm bored again" he wants to be home, he doesn't enjoy it. Man you won't believe the most amazing things that come from.. Some terrible lies" his sister thought a guy loved her but left, although not all bad comes out, her child was an amazing thing. Thanks hope I helped abit, but hey we don't actually know they meaning until fun tell us. It's a beautiful song with great lyrics, I love it.

The references to 10 years in, dying in the desert sun, leaving family, have to be war. This sounds like a young veteran, now home, who lost his wife due to post traumatic stress disorder; who can no longer function because he can't even get through the night most nights. This is why so many vietnam veterans are homeless now - when they returned from fighting a war that they didn't understand or believe in, noone understood what they went through.

They wake up in the middle of the night in terror, sometimes fighting the person closest to them, their wife, because they think they're about to be killed. Sometimes they can't deal with the horrors of what they've witnessed over there. Sometimes they can't get over the guilt of what they've done, sometimes killing children who would have killed them if they hadn't fired first.

This song is about just getting through the night, any way possible. My life and the people around it. You see they aren't really in it, if they knew me they wouldn't be fighting me, I am always seeking social justice, I am not losing but I am kind of on my own. I feel like I am at war with selfish people living in a selfish world. I don't care if people dislike me for it, I can live with myself when I close my eyes at night. I kinda imagined iraq.

I know, it's weird. But it was talking about missing your mum and dad and your sister. And seen ur nephew, leavn his love behind in america, and selling his soul to the government.

That's what I got out of it. I don't get the ghost part but that could be metaphoric for his love. I'm not the patriotic type so don't think I'm obsessed with "protecting our freedom" but that's what my mind thought. Write about your feelings and thoughts about Some Nights Know what this song is about?

Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Make sure you've read our simple tips Hey! It's useful. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you: Don't write just "I love this song.

Write song meaning. Sign up or log in with. Post meaning. Top meanings Post my meaning U. It's an internal struggles More fun. Carry On. We Are Young. This is clear from the references to 'dying dried up in the desert sun', as well as "10 years of this".

This is supported by the phrase "This is it boys, this is war! The soldier feels very disillusioned, and wonders "what do I stand for" multiple times throughout the song.

He gazes at the sky, and sees only stars, having lost his faith in the heavens, and some power larger than himself due to all that he has seen. The martyr in his bed is a religious reference, presumably to some young girl sacrificing herself to make some money by prostituting.

The soldier is aware of using sex as an escape from his disillusionment with the war. He also has left a girl at home who appears to have cheated on him once, as he wonders if she has 'forgotten him again', meaning has cheated on him again. He thinks of her often, as suggested by seeing her "ghost" at night, but realizes it's better if they don't have contact while he is away. The young soldier misses his mom and dad, but "had to go", meaning he felt compelled to join the military for some reason not explained in the song.

But he realizes now that it was a mistake because the fight doesn't seem to have a meaningful purpose and is even "bored" by the whole experience.

He thinks of his sister, not just because he feels bad about her situation in an abusive relationship, but refers to it as a metaphor that sometimes amazing blessings come from the most terrible of nights--that perhaps there will some day be good coming from the war he is involved in. The reference he makes to "the other night It is a dream about peace for all mankind, which is what this young soldier in "Some Nights" is ultimately hoping, even praying for. In the end then, the song reflects both disillusionment and hope.

Oh my goodness! I never thought of the song that way! That's completely awesome! Rethki on December 12, I don't think "dying dried up in the desert sun', as well as "10 years of this" are war references. It's referencing his growing up in Arizona and needing to get out. From what I can tell, the stronger interpretation of the artist's intent is the one that describes his difficulty over the last 10 years with his career as a musician, his sister's circumstances with divorce, etc However, a good work of art is one that can be interpreted many ways.

I'm glad many see this as an anti-war song. We NEED anti-war songs. I mean, damn! So I prefer this as an anti-war song, although I can see it may not have been intended as such. I agree with you about MOST of what you have said. I'm not so sure that his girlfriend "cheated" on him. She may have broken up with him because he was the one that had someone in his bed and he felt she had forgotten about him being so far away. When he called her up apparently she didn't want to go back to where they were.

I don't think he would have called her up had she cheated on him. BarbH64 on January 07, Actually, Ruess has attributed Paul Simon as an influence for this song, see: billboard. General Comment I mostly agree with gwright2. He wants the american dream! But at the same time he doesnt want all the exposure that comes with being famous.

He liked being an unheard of band. Life was simpler, maybe even more fun? At the same time he has these amazing new fans who adore him and also has this new cash flow. Maybe he never really wanted to be famous but now that he is he doesnt know anymore. He hates the paparazzi and all that exposure. Also, when your famous, no matter how hard you work at your music there are still going to be haters who call you a fake, say all you care about is the money, etc.

These haters are bringing him down, making him feel like all is hard work is for nothing. Maybe he found someone who understands what he is going through? I dont know. He want to be a nobody again because then he would have true friends again.

I dont know what the ghost is referencing. Maybe himself before he was famous? But its not as grand as he thought. He questions if he should of made such a sacrifice just to be famous.

He is sorry he ever left for california? He misses his mom and dad. He want to go back to them and everything be like it used to. But to do that he has to give up what he loves, singing. To him that would be as bad as dying in the desert alone maybe?

His sister had a night she probably would like to forget with a guy she thought she loved but now she has a beautiful son which the lead singer is glad to have him in his life. Now that he is famous he made some bad decisions and it cost him the love of his life. If he never was famous, he would not of made those mistakes maybe he couldnt resist all the ladies flinging themselves at him?

This might be another reason why he is conflicted. He might of had a dream about the life they could of had. They realize whats done is done, no dream will ever change that. Nate's heart was breaking for his sister because she went through a terrible divorce. And though she was "conned" into thinking her husband was a wonderful guy. She still got an amazing little boy out of the marriage.

Hence why he wrote, "Man you wouldn't believe the most amazing things, can come from some terrible lies. I'm pretty sure the part about dying in the desert is reference to Arizona where he was born and grew up. He's saying that no one wants to die alone in a "no-name" place without leaving a name for themselves funm17 on June 06, This is the best meaning given. All of the explanations fit, except for the divorce correct above.

This song is almost completely autobiographical and remarkably literal in most parts. There are lots of songs that can be vague or interpreted different ways, but seriously, this is not one of them.

My Interpretation I think there are two ways to explain the song. On the one hand, there is indeed the story of someone who fights in a war. As someone here already explained. But I also see a lot of similarities with another explanation. Another act of irony is when Tessie humerly hurries her husband up to the front to select the paper of of the lottery to get people to laugh and to lighten the mood.

This is ironic because when she is the one selected to get stoned she claims that Bill did not have enough time to pick the slip he wanted when she was the one egging him to hurry up. Ogle, Maureen. Ambitious brew: the story of American beer. At several points in the novel, Brett and Jake imagine what their lives could have been like together, had he not been injured during the war.

Thus, his physical injury gives him emotional distress because he cannot have a relationship with the woman he always wanted.

The traditional American perception of Although Hemingway accurately illustrates the negative impact war has on soldiers emotionally, but he fails to address any positive learning experiences a soldier may have. Works Cited Spiller, Roger J. A gambler starts betting with small amounts of money and slowly larger and larger bets will follow. There are three stages in gambling addiction, according to the Arizona Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc: winning phase, losing phase and depression phase.

The gambler thinks he creates a better self-image by betting, and losses are seen as bad luck. Think of what problems may be caused by the non-stop obsession to win more money after losing some.

It is at this moment that the Pardoner realizes that he has greatly sinned, yet he hides his emotions by offering the travelers In both works, the epiphanies also help Chaucer and Joyce to praise or reprimand aspects of society because they promote change in the characters and the stories. So, in a sense, both Geoffrey Chaucer and James Joyce are promoting the same theme, in different manifestations, in different eras.

Drake also released a relatively recent album. However, his album comes off more as boasting about his expensive and materialistic lifestyle and the success he has seen from his music.

Nate's been writing and performing for a long time - literally a decade at the time this song was written. He had to leave home, in Arizona, to focus on his career, leaving behind his family, which is a very close-knit one. His mother has since passed away, and he feels a lot of guilt and loss. It was a difficult choice, wether to leave or stay. Many of us must make the choice at some point, maybe more than once.

Simply put, this song is about leaving home, striking out on your own, and learning about who you are. I sold my soul for this? Washed my hands of that for this? I miss my mom and dad for this? The success he's achieved isn't as fulfilling as he expected. At the time, it wasn't even the phenomenal success he'd go on to, but still impressive and life-altering.

Also, incidentally, his struggles with faith and religion are a common theme in his work. Here it means he no longer believes in fate, and possibly also that fame is not as glittering as we all dream. One could even maaaybe stretch it to believe that celebrities are just people, and stars are just stars.

His elder sister, with whom he is close, has had to face her own unique challenges and personal loss. She's had responsibility of the greatest kind bestowed upon her. The love in her now-over relationship, which she either convinced herself of, shared, or was manipulated into believing, was false. Even the most terrible nights can be worthwhile, literally, by resulting in a beloved child, or figuratively, resulting in personal growth, maturity, and wisdom.

He has a strong sense of family. He also repeatedly refers to his mother, father, and sister, who are all vitally important to him. They represent stability, home, true love, loyalty, and forgiveness. They're the ones he can depend on and trust, who will love him no matter what he does, whatever "big mistakes" he makes. The question of "What do I stand for? What defines us is constantly changing, but it's up to us to decide how we define ourselves.

I don't believe it's at all political. But most nights he's left struggling with the uncertainty that naturally bubbles up in everyone as we get older, lose friends, lose loved ones, start to drift a bit, start to move forward in our careers, our lives, essentially start realizing we're adults. Making his "We Are Young" so much more bittersweet and powerful. The trials of growing up and changing what you are, how you are, why you are, are universal.

The one constant is who you are. Additionally he has the more personal complications of fame, the loss of his mother and his former band, all exacerbated by his own heightened sensitivity and emotional perspicacity.

Without his mother, who was such an important part of his life, he might be feeling like he's lost some of his ballast, setting him off balance. When the person who knows you best is gone, your very understanding of yourself, your own relationship with yourself, is shaken. You relied on that person to know you better than you know yourself, to give you guidance and insight into your own soul.

It's a life-changing loss that forces you to wobble for quite some time. We're doing it right now by attempting to extract as much meaning as we can from his lyrics, often assigning intentions that aren't even there.

In doing so, we're revealing more of what we ourselves "stand for" even if we're not conscious of it. Nate's very hard on himself in his songs. He's also incredibly honest, and lays bare a lot of his greatest fears and struggles. At its most basic, "Some Nights" is about those fears, doubts, regrets, and struggles, as well as hope. The song is a summary of his music career.


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